Shakedown hawaii reviews
Shakedown hawaii reviews

shakedown hawaii reviews

These are all silly but work to break up any fatigue from the core gameplay. There are character upgrades as well and surprise mini-games such as platforming sections, rhythm mechanics, and an odd Tetris-like sequence. Some depth is added with optional side activities, challenges, and bonuses for holdings such as modifiers. Businesses are purchased and decisions are made to help boost the empire’s income. The main action takes place on the map with wanton destruction and carnage, but that’s only half the fun.

shakedown hawaii reviews

My only problem was that I always wanted to go back to the main protagonist, rarely interested in what the other two chumps were doing. This trinity is going to ensure that Feeble returns to its former glory and everyone gets paid, no matter who gets hurt in the process. There is also a contract employee known as “The Consultant” who takes care of the dirty work outside of Hawaii. The boss’ son, Scooter (DJ Jockitch), is introduced as he gets involved with some bad people and makes life altering mistakes. Like in GTA V, there are multiple characters to play. I thought this game might start off being more about how to be a legal crook until I was shooting at “totally not Amazon trucks” and got to drive my rival’s car into the ocean. This all sets off a string of events that will see the player buying businesses and switching up their tactics to meet the current state of online business, as well as taking the road less traveled in corporate America and doing more blatant crimes by actually getting out from behind the desk. His failing company - appropriately called Feeble Multinational - hasn’t been doing well, the book deal money has dried up, and he’s not up with the new ways of making a profit. It starts with an aging CEO who has been riding high on his past successes. This game plays a lot like that, but what if even more was crammed in and they took the idea of building an empire to the next level? The story isn’t going to do much for people but the setup works. I’m a huge fan of the GTA series, as I started with the second iteration back on the PS1. The 16-bit aesthetics felt like home, warm with bright colors and silliness, but forged by the violence and pain of the changing economy at its core.

shakedown hawaii reviews

Shakedown: Hawaii grabbed me with its trailer even before I realized who it was from. Often, I find myself needing a new rampage simulator, but I didn’t know this recent outing would come from the studio that brought us Retro City Rampage and be so on the nose.

Shakedown hawaii reviews