Quick print excel
Quick print excel

To select all the cells in the table, select the first cell and scroll to the last cell. For worksheets more than 10,000 cells you have to use the Excel desktop app. You can do this in Excel for the web as long as the table has less than 10,000 cells. Sometimes you want to print only part of a worksheet, like a table. Select the sheet tab and print the worksheet. When you unhide a worksheet, the sheet tab in the worksheet becomes available. Select Unhide to show and unhide the worksheets. If the Unhide option is available, the workbook has one or more hidden worksheets. Not sure if the workbook has any hidden worksheets? Here’s how you can verify: But if the workbook has multiple worksheets you’ll need to go to each worksheet by selecting its sheet tab, and then print that worksheet. If your Excel for the web workbook has only one worksheet, you can just print the worksheet. Note: The row and column labels don’t show in print preview and the printout. In the Print Options box, make sure Entire Sheet is selected, and select Print. Right-click the selection and pick Unhide Rows (for columns, pick Unhide Columns). In this example, select all row headers between 2 and 7 to unhide rows 3 and 6. Select the range of headers surrounding the hidden rows or columns. Here’s how you can unhide rows or columns: You can tell if rows or columns are hidden either by the missing header labels or by the double lines as shown in this picture. If you want to include the hidden rows and columns, you’ll need to unhide them before you print the worksheet. In Excel for the web, when you print a worksheet with hidden rows or columns those hidden rows and columns won’t be printed. Print a worksheet that has hidden rows and columns Select Open in Excel and select multiple print areas on a worksheet. If you have the Excel desktop application, you can set more print options. To print the entire worksheet, select File > Print > Print.

quick print excel

To change the print selection, close print preview by clicking on the X, and repeat the previous steps. If the print preview shows what you want printed, select Print. To print only the selected area, in Print Options, select Current Selection. On the worksheet, click and drag to select the cells you want to print. If you select a print area, but decide to change the specified area, here’s how you can preview your changes: In Excel for the web, you can either specify an area you want to print or print an entire worksheet. If you selected a range of cells, but decide to print the entire worksheet, switch to Entire Workbook before you hit Print. To print the entire worksheet, don’t select anything. If you want to print a range of cells, select them. You can print the entire worksheet or just the cells you want.

quick print excel

For best results with printing your worksheet, use the Print command in Excel for the web, not your browser’s Print command.

Quick print excel