The translations are powered by Google Translate, the addon uses their translator-program. The language of the original text is automatically detected.Īvailable user interface languages: Bulgarian, Chinese (Simplified), Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish (Spain), Turkish. If you found a language that isn't in the list of this addon then comment here below. what (and how) to translate when you click on the Red T or press the hot-keyĪvailable target languages: you can translate to every language that you can find on Google Translate page ( ). Ikke noe problem, i Glosbe finner du en norsk bokml - russisk oversetter som. go to Add-ons menu and click on configuration of this addon I norsk bokml - russisk ordboken finner du setninger med oversettelser. right-click on the Red T (or before Firefox 57 click on the little arrow next to it) and click "Options" Or, if you want to translate the full page, you can go with the three ways mentioned above, too. Within a second or two, you'll see that the selection disappears and a text in your language appears there. Right-click with the mouse and click on "Translate this text with Google Translate" text.Īs soon as the translation-progress starts, the Red T will become green, and as soon as the translation ends, it'd be red again. Secondly, you select this section or sentence. Firstly, you search something that you don't understand because it's in an other language. You shouldn't either select pictures or tables because these will disappear and mystic text will appear there. If you select a longer text, you'll get an alert box in some cases. You can select a maximum of 1100-character long text. It's highly recommended to select less text than more, otherwise the translation will take longer to appear. Jeg har min bakgrunn fra Det filologiske fakultetet ved Moskva Lomonosov universitet, Historisk-filosofisk fakultet ved UiO og Tolkeutdanningen ved HiO. If it is not possible then English will be the target language of the translation. Mitt navn er Maria Kim Espeland, og jeg er statsautorisert russisk tolk (autorisasjonen ble innvilget av AKD i 1997), oversetter, russisk lrer samt lrer i praktisk tolking. By default, the add-on will try to set your detected language for the default target language.By default, the add-on will try to set your detected language for the default target language. If it is not possible then English will be the target language of the translation. Oversettelse, engelsk, oversetter, fransk, oversettelsestjeneste, dansk, språktjenester, manualoversettelse, russisk, oversettelsesfirma, norsk, oversette. Nordlys - Karlsen-trafikkskole Nordlys - Karlsen-trafikkskole. Regnskap, analyse og revisjon - All-russisk korrespondanse finansiell og konomisk Institutt Zoia Nikolskaia. Right-click with the mouse and click on "Translate this text with Google Translate" text.Īs soon as the translation-progress starts, the Red T will become green, and as soon as the translation ends, it'd be red again.

go to Add-ons menu and click on configuration of this addon right-click on the Red T (or before Firefox 57 click on the little arrow next to it) and click "Options" #Russisk oversetter full

what (and how) to translate when you click on the Red T or press the hot-keyĪvailable target languages: you can translate to every language that you can find on Google Translate page ( ). Dersom du nsker et uforpliktende tilbud p en statsautorisert oversettelse av dokumentet ditt, ber vi deg laste opp en tydelig kopi av dokumentet p vre nettsider. Ring oss gjerne p +47 40 19 80 40 dersom du har noen sprsml. Vi tilbyr tjenester som korrektur, språkvask, språklig bearbeiding og språkkurs. Ni av oss er oversettere, hvorav seks er statsautoriserte translatører. Vi har lang erfaring med leveranser innen komplekse fagområder.